5 minute read

Payslip audits. The way to transparent pay.

Published on
July 15, 2024

Table of contents

Payslip audits. Sounds boring, right? Wrong. These little checks are your golden ticket to a squeaky-clean supply chain. Let's break it down.

What's the big deal?

Payslip audits are like a lie detector for your pay. They prove your umbrella company is playing by the rules, crunching numbers correctly, and paying you every penny you've earned. Every. Single. Time.

How we do it at Orca

We don't mess around. Thanks to being SafeRec Certified, their tech audits 100% of our contractors' payslips weekly. And we share the results with everyone involved. Transparency is our middle name.

The nitty-gritty:

1. Pre-calculation check: We make sure the raw data is spot on.

2. Overall check: We hunt for any missing pieces in your payslip puzzle.

3. Deep audit: We double-check every deduction. No stone left unturned.

We're not just thorough, we're also safe. Data protection? We're all over it. Security protocols? Top-notch.

Why should you care?

Ever heard of payslip skimming? It's as shady as it sounds. Some dodgy umbrellas sneak extra deductions into your payslip. Not on our watch.

And don't get us started on holiday pay shenanigans. Some umbrellas pocket it, hoping you won't notice. With our audits, that's impossible.

The Orca difference

We don't just audit - we share the results. Our Recruitment Agency partners get a full due-diligence report straight from SafeRec. It's like having a financial watchdog in your pocket.

And the best part? This service doesn't cost you a penny.

Bottom line

With Orca's payslip audits, what you see is what you get. No hidden fees, no sneaky deductions, just honest, transparent pay.

Ready for payroll you can trust? Let's chat. We're here to make sure your hard work pays off - literally.

A black and white photo of a tall, slightly leaning stack of various books. The stack features both hardcover and paperback books, some of which are open while others are closed. The background is blurred, drawing focus to the books.

Payroll to count on

You've got this far, surely you need no more convincing. It’s a no-brainer to use Orca for your umbrella payroll services. Right?

Because the simple truth is, we’ve been at the coalface since 1997. And we’ve shaped the direction the industry’s moved in.

We were the first umbrella company to be forensically audited in real-time and the first umbrella company to provide real-time payslip audits.

Pretty visionary. But we don’t just envisage, we take action. That’s how we make real change for our clients and move the needle on their business growth.

So, you would have to be a fool not to use Orca after reading this...?

Ahem… we couldn't possibly comment. *cough cough*