We do payroll.
You do business.

Two fists from different individuals meet in the center of the frame for a fist bump against a white background.

Our Promise


#First, person

Pay starts with people. It’s an honour to handle people’s money. A sacred responsibility. We always pay what’s owed when it’s owed, because if we balls it up we break your trust. And we can’t have that.


Info flows >

We don't gatekeep or show off with jargon. Companies who do might be compensating for something… We're obsessively transparent and share all our intel about umbrella payroll. Our founders have been at this since 1997, so we know what we're talking about.


Integrity x always

We were the first umbrella company to go fully transparent and audited. Then everyone else in the industry copied our lead. Who would you rather have on your side? The shepherd or the sheep? If that’s a tricky question, we’re probably not a great fit.


Pay. Straight-up.

No hidden fees. No pennies pinched. No funny business. Just 100% proof the correct payment has been made, 100% of the time. It’s all right there, in black and white.

A white calculator displaying the word 'BOSS' on its screen, set against a bright yellow background. The calculator is positioned on the left side of the image, leaving ample negative space to the right

What will you pocket?

Use our take home calculator to see what you'll...well, take home. You give us the details; we send your pay illustration.

Our calculator lives here

What's new(s) @ Orca

We share knowledge freely.

For decades umbrella companies have had no regulation. This meant a lack of protection for workers and umbrella companies being non-compliant in their practices to avoid taxes. But now SafeRec is a company looking to change all that, and in this episode I am joined by the CEO Sébastien Sauca.
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At Orca, our SafeRec Certified tech audits 100% of payslips weekly, ensuring accurate and honest pay every time. Discover how we keep your payroll squeaky clean.
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We audit every payslip in real time and share full reports for total transparency. Recruiters get 24/7 access to payroll data. Experience honest, compliant payroll with us.
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Robert Sharp wearing a black sweater stands against an exposed brick wall with an industrial-style light in the background. The image is in black and white, highlighting the textures of the brick and the light's reflection.

Payroll to count on

You've got this far, surely you need no more convincing. It’s a no-brainer to use Orca for your umbrella payroll services. Right?

Because the simple truth is, we’ve been at the coalface since 1997. And we’ve shaped the direction the industry’s moved in.

We were the first umbrella company to be forensically audited in real-time and the first umbrella company to provide real-time payslip audits.

Pretty visionary. But we don’t just envisage, we take action. That’s how we make real change for our clients and move the needle on their business growth.

So, you would have to be a fool not to use Orca after reading this...?

Ahem… we couldn't possibly comment. *cough cough*