5 minute read

Why use an Umbrella Company?

Published on
July 29, 2024

Table of contents

So, you're thinking about contracting? 

Smart move. It's flexible, it's freeing, and it's on the rise. But with IR35 in the mix, more people are turning to Umbrella companies. 

Never used one? No sweat. Let's break down why an Umbrella Company might be your new best friend.

4 reasons to cosy up to an Umbrella Company

Less paperwork, more you-time

Hate drowning in tax forms? Us too. An Umbrella Company becomes your employer, handling all that nitty-gritty payroll stuff. They'll sort your taxes, National Insurance, and other deductions. You stay legit, without the headache.

Perks of the job (yes, really)

Sick days happen. So do babies. With an Umbrella Company, you get those sweet statutory benefits like sick pay, maternity/paternity leave, and pension contributions. It's a safety net for when life throws curveballs.

IR35? What's that?

Okay, we're joking. But seriously, as an Umbrella Company employee, IR35 becomes someone else's problem. You're not a sole trader or limited company, so those rules don't apply. One less thing to worry about.

Experts in your corner

Got questions? Umbrella Companies have answers. Their experts can guide you through tax efficiency, financial planning, and other contracting curveballs. It's like having a financial coach on speed dial.

Bottom line: Umbrella Companies make contracting simpler, safer, and smoother. 

Curious about making the leap? We're here to chat. No pressure, just honest advice on making your pay work for you.

Ready to talk Umbrellas? Give us a shout. 

A black and white photo of a tall, slightly leaning stack of various books. The stack features both hardcover and paperback books, some of which are open while others are closed. The background is blurred, drawing focus to the books.

Payroll to count on

You've got this far, surely you need no more convincing. It’s a no-brainer to use Orca for your umbrella payroll services. Right?

Because the simple truth is, we’ve been at the coalface since 1997. And we’ve shaped the direction the industry’s moved in.

We were the first umbrella company to be forensically audited in real-time and the first umbrella company to provide real-time payslip audits.

Pretty visionary. But we don’t just envisage, we take action. That’s how we make real change for our clients and move the needle on their business growth.

So, you would have to be a fool not to use Orca after reading this...?

Ahem… we couldn't possibly comment. *cough cough*